Wakayo Yamashita, Ph.D.

Department of Information Science and Biomedical Engineering,
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Kagoshima University
1-21-40, Korimoto, Kagoshima
890-0065, JAPAN
Phone : +81-99-285-3302
E-mail:wyamashita[at]ibe.kagoshima-u.ac.jp, k3544891[at]kadai.jp




  • Yamashita, W., Niimi, R., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M.K. & Yokosawa, K. (2013). Three-quarter view preference for three-dimensional objects in 8-month-old infants. The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Suzhou, China).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2012). Gaze direction affects the 3D face recognition in infant. 43rd NIPS International Symposium: Face Perception and Recognition. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K.(2012) The effect of gaze direction on three-dimensional face recognition in infants. 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Minneapolis, USA).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2011).The effect of gaze direction on 3D face learning in infants. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2010). The effect of gaze direction in the artificially-produced face learning. 41th NIPS International Symposium. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2010). Infant learning ability for recognizing artificially-produced 3D objects. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Yamashita, W., Wang, G., Takehara, S., Uruu, M., Tanaka, K. (2008). Discrimination of similar objects within individual viewing angles prepares immediate view-invariant recognition of the objects. Neuroscience 2008, 791.15, Washington D.C.
  • Yamashita, W., Suzuki, W,. Obama, S., Hayashi, J., Wang. G. (2005). View-association learning depends on the familiarization of the views. Neuroscience 2005, 192.9, Washington D.C.
  • Wang, G., Honma, A., Obama, S., Yamashita, W., Sugihara, T., Tanaka. K. (2004). View-invariant object discrimination depends on image familiarity. Neuroscience 2004, 82.12, San Diego.


  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B), by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). 2011 Apr.-2013 Mar.(Research Project Number:23700323)