So Kanazawa Ph.D.

Japan Women's University
E-mail: kanazawas[at]




  • Yang, J., Asano, M., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K. & Imai, M. (2017) Representation of sound symbolism in the infant brain: Investigation using the near-infrared spectroscopy. The International Multisensory Research Forum 2017 (Tennessee, USA)
  • Ujiie Y., Yamashita, W.,Fujisaki, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2017) The activation of the temporal area during audiovisual material matching in infants. VSS 2017 meeting. Tampa (U.S.A.), May, 2017.
  • Tsurumi, S., Kanazawa, S., and Yamaguchi, M.K. (2017). Infant's neural response to yawning: a behavioral and a near-infrared spectroscopic study. Vision Sciences Society 17th Annual Meeting (Florida, USA)
  • Kobayashi, M., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., O'Toole, A. J. (2017). Infants' recognition of approaching people. Society for Research in Child Development 2017 Biennial Meeting, Face Processing Pre-Conference (Invited talk) (Austin, USA)
  • Kobayashi, M., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2017). Infants’ face detection in natural scene. Vision Sciences Society 17th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA)
  • Yang, J., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2016). The development of binocular suppression in infants, Vision Sciences Society 16th Annual Meeting Florida, USA
  • Kobayashi, M., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K. & Kakigi, R. (2016). Infants’ recognition of caricature of mother’s face. Vision Sciences Society 16th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA)
  • Sato, K., Kanazawa, S. & Yamaguchi, M. K.(2016). Infants can recognize the lightness change in cast shadows. Vision Sciences Society 16th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA)
  • Kobayashi, M., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2015). Developmental changes in face identity processing: fNIRS-adaptation studies. The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Singapore)
  • Sato, K., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2015). Infants’ perception of object’s lightness in cast shadow. The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Singapore)
  • Yang, J., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kuriki, I. (2015) Cortical response to categorical color perception in infants investigated by near-infrared spectroscopy. The 23rd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society (Sendai, Japan)
  • Kobayashi, M., Kanazawa, S.., Yamaguchi, M. K., Kakigi, R., & Lee, K. (2015). Neural correlates of own- and other-race face processing in infants: A near-infrared spectroscopic study. Vision Sciences Society 15th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA)
  • Sato, K., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2015). Do infants have requirements for perceiving shadows? Vision Sciences Society 15th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA)
  • Ichikawa, H., Kitazono, J., Nagata, K., Manda, A., Shimamura, K., Sakuta, R., Okada, M., Yamaguchi, M. K., Kanazawa, S., & Kakigi, R. (2014)Novel application of Support Vector Machines to classify hemodynamic response obtained by multi-channel NIRS measurement. fNIRS 2014. (Montreal, Canada).
  • Kobayashi, M., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2014) The processing of faces across non-rigid facial transformation develops at 7 month of age: A fNIRS adaptation study. fNIRS 2014. (Montreal, Canada).
  • Yang, J., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kuriki, I. (2014) Development of categorical color perception in infants. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, (Symposium; Kagawa, Japan)
  • Otsuka, Y., Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Spehar, B. (2014) Temporal dynamics of spatial frequency processing for objects and faces in infants. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, (Symposium; Kagawa, Japan)
  • Otsuka, Y., Mareschal, I., Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Clifford, C.G.W. (2014) Gaze constancy in adults and infants. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Kagawa, Japan).
  • Yamashita, W., Otsuka, Y., Tanaka, A., Sato, K., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2014) Infants' visual discrimination of mirror letter images. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Kagawa, Japan).
  • Kobayashi, M., Macchi Cassia, V., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2014) Perceptual narrowing toward adult faces in Japanese infants: a behavioral and a near-infrared spectroscopic study. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Kagawa, Japan).
  • Sato, K., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2014) Perception of shape from shadows in infancy. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Kagawa, Japan).
  • Yamaguchi, M. K., Yang, J., Sato, K., & Kanazawa, S. (2014) The Development of Material Perception in Infants. International Symposium on "Future of SHITSUKAN research". (Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ichikawa, H., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2014) Disruptive effect of inversion and contrast-reversal on infants' gaze perception. The 19th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Berlin, Germany).
  • Sato, K., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2014) Perception of incongruent shapes in cast shadows by infants. The 19th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Berlin, Germany).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2014) Effects of geometric distortions on infant's face recognition. The 19th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Berlin, Germany).
  • Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kobayashi, M. (2014) Processing of Facial Identity in Infants' Brain: fNIRS-adaptation Studies. The 19th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, (Symposium; Berlin, Germany)
  • Motoyoshi, I., Yang, J., Kanazawa,S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2014).Complementary development of material perception and image discrimination in infants. Vision Sciences Society 14th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Proietti, V., Kobayashi, M., Quadrelli, E., Bulf, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K. & Macchi Cassia, V. (2013). Cross-cultural evidence of perceptual narrowing toward adult faces in 3- and 9-month-old infants. Joint Cognitive Psychology Section & Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference 2013. (Reading, UK).
  • Yamashita, W., Niimi, R., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M.K. & Yokosawa, K. (2013). Three-quarter view preference for three-dimensional objects in 8-month-old infants. The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Suzhou, China).
  • Yang, J., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2013). Can Infants tell the difference between gold and yellow?. The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Suzhou, China).
  • Sato, K., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2013). Infants' perception of cast shadow. The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Suzhou, China).
  • Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Nakato, E., Shimamura, K., Sakuta, Y., Sakuta, R., & Yamaguchi M. K. (2013). Hemodynamic response of children with ADHD to happy and angry facial expressions. 4th World Congress on ADHD. (Milan, Italy).
  • Ichikawa, H, Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2012). Infants’ brain activity for the faces with contrast-negated eyes. 43rd NIPS International Symposium: Face Perception and Recognition. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2012). Gaze direction affects the 3D face recognition in infant. 43rd NIPS International Symposium: Face Perception and Recognition. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Kobayashi, M., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2012). Development of facial representation in infancy: NIRS-adaptation study. 43rd NIPS International Symposium: Face Perception and Recognition. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Otsuka, Y., Motoyoshi, I., Hill, H., Kobayashi, M., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2012). The role of contrast polarity of eyes on face recognition by 7-to-8month-olds. 43rd NIPS International Symposium: Face Perception and Recognition (Okazaki, Japan)
  • Sakuta, Y., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kanazawa, S. (2012). Infants' face perception under different lighting conditions. 43rd NIPS International Symposium: Face Perception and Recognition (Okazaki, Japan)
  • Ichikawa, H., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kakigi, R. (2012) Contrast reversal of the eyes diminishes infants' face processing. The 35th European Conference on Visual Perception. (Alghero, Italy).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Corrow, S.L., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Yonas, A. (2012) Young infants’ perception of depth from a pictorial cue: Comparing monocular and binocular preferential-looking. 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Minneapolis, USA).
  • Otsuka, Y., Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Spehar, B. (2012) Temporal Aspects of Coarse to Fine Image Processing in 7- to 8-Month Old Infants. 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Minneapolis, USA).
  • Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K.(2012) Dynamic Subtle Facial Expression Can be Recognized by 6- to 7-month-old Infants. 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Minneapolis, USA).
  • Otsuka, Y., Ichikawa, H., Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., Bulf, H., Valenza, E., & Yamaguchi, M.K.(2012) Do Faces Attract Young Infants’ Attention? Examination of Attentional Shift Behavior in 4-Month-Old Infants. 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Minneapolis, USA).
  • Kobayashi, M., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kakigi, R.(2012) Face representation in infant temporal region investigated by the neural adaptation paradigm; the near-infrared spectroscopic study. 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Minneapolis, USA).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K.(2012) The effect of gaze direction on three-dimensional face recognition in infants. 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Minneapolis, USA).
  • Otsuka, Y., Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M. K., Spehar B. (2012). Spatial and temporal dynamics of visual perception in 8-month-old infants. 38th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference (The University of New South Wales).
  • Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2011). Infants’ recognition of dynamic subtle facial expression. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Kobayashi, M., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kakigi, R. (2011). Do infant represent the facial identity in a viewpoint-invariant manner? The neural adaptation study as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Nakato, E., Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kakigi, R. (2011). A longitudinal study on infants’ face perception by near-infrared spectroscopy. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting.(Florida, USA).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Kaneko, H., Kanazawa, S., Otsuka, Y., Shirai, N., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2011). Infants’ ability to perceive depth produced by vertical disparity. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2011).The effect of gaze direction on 3D face learning in infants. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2010). Infant brain activity in perceiving the facial movement of point-light display. 41th NIPS International Symposium. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Kobayashi, M., Otsuka, Y., Nakato, E., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2010). Is the faces represented in a viewpoint-invariant manner? Neural adaptation study as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. 41th NIPS International Symposium. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2010). The effect of gaze direction in the artificially-produced face learning. 41th NIPS International Symposium. (Okazaki, Japan).
  • Otsuka Y., Hill H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M. K., Spehar B., (2010). Perception of Mooney face by 3- and 4-month-old infants: the role of local features, contrast polarity, and motion. The 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception. (Lausanne, Switzerland).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Sherryse Corrow, S., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K.& Albert Yonas, A. (2010). Infants’ perception of depth from a pictorial cue: Comparing monocular and binocular preferential-looking. The 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception. (Lausanne, Switzerland).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2010). Infants' preference of moving face-like figure to top-heavy figure. The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. (Taipei, Taiwan).
  • Yamashita, W., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2010). Infant learning ability for recognizing artificially-produced 3D objects. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Kobayashi,M., Otsuka, Y., Nakato, E., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kakigi, R. (2010). Adaptation effect for facial identity in infants. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Nakato, E., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kakigi, R. (2010). Infants’ neural responses to facial expressions using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Ichikawa, H., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kakigi, R. (2010). Infants’ brain activity in perceiving facial movement of point-light display. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Sawada, T., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Yonas, A. (2010). A transfer-across-depth-cues study of the ability of infants to access a representation of 3-D shape from shading and linejunction information. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Yang, J., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Motoyoshi, I. (2010). Perception of surface glossiness in infants. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Ichikawa, H., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2010) "'Possible' movement of internal facial features promotes 7- and 8-month-old infants' preference for face patterns. 17th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Maryland, USA).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Katsumata, Y., Kitazaki, M., Hanazawa, A., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2009). Infants' visually induced postural sway: The effect of the attractiveness of fixation mark. The 15th International Conference on Perception and Action. (Minnesota, USA).
  • Wada, Y., Shirai, N., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2009). Visual freezing effect by sound in infants. The 10th International Multisensory Research Forum. (New York, USA).
  • Nakato, E., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kakigi, R. (2009). Configural processing in mother's face perception for infants. Vision Sciences Society Nineth Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Otsuka, Y., Motoyoshi, I., Kobayashi, M., Hill, H., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2009) . Face discrimination in infants and adults: the role of contrast polarity of the eyes. Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Yang, J., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kuriki, I. (2009). Color constancy in 4-5-month old infants. Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA). 
  • Kobayashi,M., Otsuka, Y., Nakato, E., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kakigi, R. (2009). Do infants recognize the Arcimbold images as faces? Behavioral and Near-infrared spectroscopic study. Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA). 
  • Yamazaki, Y., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2009). Perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion in 5- to 8- month old infants. Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Sawada, T., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Yonas, A. (2009). 'Infants' ability to perceive 3D shape from pictorial cues : Transfer-across-depth-cues study.' Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA).
  • Hibi, Y., Kumada, T., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2008). Inter-trial facilitation on visual feature search in infants. Psychonomic Society 49th Annual Meeting, (Chicago, U.S.A.).
  • Nakato E., Otsuka Y., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Kakigi, R. (2008). Perception of mother’s face using near-infrared spectroscopy. The Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, (Florida, USA).
  • Otsuka, Y., Yamazaki, Y., Konishi, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M.K., & Spehar, B. (2008). Perception of illusory transparent surface by young infants. The Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, (Florida, USA).
  • Yang, J., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2008). Perception of neon color spreading in 3- to 6- month old infants. The Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting,(Florida, USA).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2008). Effects of reference frame on the perception of human-body orientation in infancy. The Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting,(Florida, USA).
  • Imura, T., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kanazawa, S., Shirai, N., Otsuka, Y., Tomonaga, M., & Yagi, A. (2007). Perception of shape from shading and line junctions in infants. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, (Arezzo, Italy).
  • Nakato, E., Hill, H., Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K. (2007). The hollow face illusion in infancy. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, (Arezzo, Italy).
  • Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S.,Yamaguchi, M.K., Konishi, Y., Abdi, H., & O’Toole, A.J. (2007). Three-months recognition memory for faces in moving and static figures. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, (Arezzo, Italy).
  • Shirai, N., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2007). Differential development of radial and rotational motions in early infancy. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, (Arezzo, Italy).
  • Tsuruhara, A., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2007). Perception of orientation with an oblique and upright frame in infancy. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, (Arezzo, Italy).
  • Yamaguchi, M.K., Shirai, N., Kanazawa, S., Otsuka, Y., Tsuruhara, A., & Kaneko, H. (2007). Perception of surface slant produced by horizontal and vertical disparities in human infants. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, (Arezzo, Italy).
  • Shirai, N., Kawabe, T., Wada, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., & Miura, K. (2007). Auditory temporal intervals distort infant perception of visual spatial interval. 8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, (Sydney, Australia).
  • Wada, Y., Shirai, N., Otsuka, Y., Dan, I., Kohyama, K., Midorikawa, A., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2007). Sound enhances visual detection of illusory contour in infants.8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, (Sydney, Australia).
  • Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M.K., Abdi, H., O’Toole, A.J. (2007). The development of face discrimination skill in infants. The Vision Sciences Society Seventh Annual Meeting, (Florida, USA).
  • Shirai, N., Birtles, D., Wattam-Bell, J., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kanazawa, S.,Atkinson, J., & Braddick, O. (2006). Anistropic cortical responses for radial expansion/contraction in infants and adults. 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, (St Petersburg, Russia).
  • Kanazawa, S., Kitaoka, A., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2006). Infants see the "Rotating Snake" illusion. 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, (St Petersburg, Russia).
  • Otsuka Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M.K. (2006) Infants’ perception of partly occluded object in ambiguous motion display. 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, (St Petersburg, Russia).
  • Nakato, E., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2006). The 3/4 view effect in infancy - Behavioral and Neuroscience data. 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, (St Petersburg, Russia).
  • Kanazawa, S., Kitaoka, A., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2006). Perception of illusory motion in 6- to 8-month old infants. The 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies , (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Okamura, H., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2006). Infant's perception of Color-from-Motion stimulus. The 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies , (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Otsuka Y., Nakato E., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M.K. & Kakigi R. (2006). Interhemispheric asymmetry in infants' face recognition measured by near infrared spectroscopy. The 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies , (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Shirai N., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2006). Velocity sensitivity to radial and rotational motion in 3 months of age. The 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies , (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Imura, T., Yamaguchi, M.K., Kanazawa, S., Shirai N., Otsuka Y., Tomonaga, M., & Yagi, A. (2006). Perception of 3-D shape from moving cast shadow in human infants. The Vision Sciences Society Sixth Annual Meeting,(Florida, USA).
  • Kanazawa, S., Shirai, N., Otsuka, Y., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2006). Perceptual development of directional transparent motion in infancy. The Vision Sciences Society Sixth Annual Meeting,(Florida, USA).
  • Nakato E., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2006). The 3/4 view effect and the rotation information in infants' face recognition. The Vision Sciences Society Sixth Annual Meeting,(Florida, USA).
  • Otsuka Y., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2006). The effect of occlusion on motion integration in infants. The Vision Sciences Society Sixth Annual Meeting,(Florida, USA).
  • Shirai N., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2006). Early development of velocity sensitivity to rotational motion. The Vision Sciences Society Sixth Annual Meeting,(Florida, USA).
  • Shirai, N., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2005). Early development of velocity sensitivity to radial motion. 28th European Conference on Visual Perception, (A Coruna, Spain)
  • Otuska, Y., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2005). The effect of occlusion information on motion integration in infants. 28th European Conference on Visual Perception, (A Coruna, Spain)
  • Nakato, E., Kanazawa, S.,& Yamaguchi, M. K. (2005). The effect of rotation information on infant's recognition of unfamiliar faces viewed from different viewpoint. 28th European Conference on Visual Perception, (A Coruna, Spain)
  • Konuma, H., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2005). Analytical and configural processing in infants' gaze perception. 28th European Conference on Visual Perception, (A Coruna, Spain)
  • Okamura, H., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M. K. (2005). Chromatic induction in infancy. 28th European Conference on Visual Perception, (A Coruna, Spain)
  • Otsuka Y., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi M.K , O'Toole AJ, Abdi H.(2005) The Effect of Motion Information on Infants’Recognition of Unfamiliar Face. The Vision Sciences Society 5th Annual Meeting. (Florida, USA)
  • Shirai N., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2005). Early Development of Anisotropic Sensitivities for expansion/contraction Detection. The Vision Sciences Society 5th Annual Meeting. (Sarasota, USA)
  • Kanazawa, S., Shirai, N., Otsuka, Y., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2004). Perception of Motion Transparency in Infancy. The XIVth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Chicago, USA)
  • Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2004). Development of Modal and Amodal Completion in Infants. The XIVth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Chicago, USA)
  • Shirai, N., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi M.K. (2004). Development of the sensitivity to linear-acceleration of radial expansion flow. The XIVth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Chicago, USA)
  • Yamaguchi, M.K., Otsuka, Y., Shirai, N., Kanazawa, S., & Abdi, H. (2004). Infant's Facial Learning in Poor Visual Acuity. The XIVth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. (Chicago, USA)
  • Kanazawa, S., Shirai, N., Otsuka, Y., & Yamaguchi, M.K. (2003). Perception of motion transparency in infants. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception (Paris, France)
  • Otsuka, Y., Kanazawa, S.,& Yamaguchi, M.K.(2003). Modal and amodal contour completion in infancy. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception (Paris, France)
  • Shirai N., Kanazawa, S., & Yamaguchi, M.K.(2003). Development of asymmetry for the perception of expansion/contraction. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception (Paris, France)
  • Otsuka Y., Kanazawa, S.,& Yamaguchi M.K. (2002). Infants' perception of subjective contours in the static and moving figures. The XIIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies (Toronto, Canada)
  • Yamaguchi M.K., Tomonaga, M., & Kanazawa, S. (2002). Constructing the prototype face: Infant and monkeys. The XIIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies (Toronto, Canada)


  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B), by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). 2009 Apr.-2012 Mar.(Research Project Number:21300104)